Akshay Sharma
Voice assistants are the talk of the town. Voice is the future and the tech...
Android Auto and its massive potential for sharing economy (and Google)
Google hasn’t really left much out of its scope when it comes to putting ...
How to how to define the voice of your brand
Zomato has a cheeky tone, ixigo is absolutely hilarious, Amadeus is relativ...
Is the idea of flying cars peak silicon valley?
Just a few months ago, there were far too many headlines with ‘flying car...
Blockchain could be the answer to sharing economy woes
Every now and then, Uber and its counterparts are under fire from the drive...
Lokalocal wants to empower local communities with tourism
Travellers are increasing growing averse to the idea of following the beate...
Open standards are the answer to IoT challenges
IoT is quickly finding an important role in the most unusual of places. By ...
Here is how to make the most out of Instagram stories
Despite being at the receiving end of many jokes about copying Snapchat and...
For travel, augmented reality is not around the corner anymore
While both virtual reality and augmented reality have been around for a whi...