The 2nd Beijing International Travel Mart (BITM) 2018 was successfully concluded with some 3,120 business matching sessions between its exhibitors and hosted buyers. Over the three days from 5-7 Sept, the event hosted 130 exhibitors from 20 countries and welcomed some 250 buyers and some 1,800 trade visitors at the China International Exhibition Center (CIEC) Halls.
(Destination presentation of The Kingdom of Morocco, country partner of BITM 2018, by Mr Khalid Fathi, Chief Representative of Moroccan national Tourist Office in China.)
The highlight this year was the staging of the Second African Dialogue, setting the tone for ‘China-Africa Tourism Development Opportunities’. Amongst the key industry speakers were Professor of International Tourism, China Tourism Academy, Professor Yang Jinsong; General Manager of the China Youth Travel Service (CYTS) Middle East-Africa department, Mdm Huang Yan; Head of China Desk, Sudan Ministry of Tourism, Antiquities & Wildlife, Mr. Mohamed Mudathir Abass; and Chief Representative of Moroccan National Tourist Office in China, Mr Khalid Fathi.
(Mr Kwakye Donkor, Chief Executive Officer of African Tourism Partners, moderator of the second African Dialogue at BITM 2018.)
The panel discussion was moderated by Mr Kwakye Donkor, Chief Executive Officer of African Tourism Partners, who described how the African travel agencies could tap into the huge potential of the Chinese tourism and travel market.
“BITM this year satisfied all my requirements. Even though there are a few visitors, but they were quality buyers as I found suitable clients for my business,” said Dr Ali Elnour Idris, general manager of Amal Travel and Tourism Agency, from Sudan.
As a prelude to the event, the exhibitors of the Singapore pavilion, GTMC Travel, Far East Hospitality Management (S) and Mega Adventure Park had the privilege to meet with bellwethers of the Chinese outbound travel industry, such as Beijing China International Travel Service; FTXTrip; China Travel Service Head Office; and Comfort International M.I.C.E. Service.
BITM 2019 will be held at China International Exhibition Center (CIEC), Beijing, China in September 2019. Interested international exhibitors are welcome to contact CEMS at email: