The world’s leading travel trade show – ITB Berlin – is a unique B2B platform for cities, regions, tour operators, online booking portals and hotels, and many other service providers from over 180 countries present their products and services. This event will take place from 9th March to 13th March next year.
With the brand’s core value of ‘Experience and Experts’, ITB Berlin seeks to enrich the travel experience of the participants by giving them an opportunity to interact with the marketers and receive valuable first-hand knowledge through face-to-face interactions with international professionals. The marketers will obtain relevant information about important travel topics and the latest trends, establish business contacts and close global deals. The general public that can be avid travellers will get a unique chance to explore the different segments of the travel market in just a few hours.
Associated with this event, ITB Academy with Tourismuszukunft, the Institute for e-Tourism is providing tourism professionals with a multi-session, free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on ‘Social Media in Tourism’. This online course in English will offer fundamental information about the Internet and social media while giving an overview of the different platforms and important tips about proper social media conduct. It’ll be in the form of interesting lecture videos, informative study documents and inspiring best practice examples.
The online course on ‘Social Media in Tourism’ is available till 1st March next year. There are 8 modules like Social Media Fundamentals, Social Commerce, Social Media Law and Storytelling. The interested participants can complete each module at their own pace.
The ‘Social Media in Tourism’ online course provides up-to-date information on the social media with a focus on the travel industry. Social media has a very important role to play at all stages of travel. Travellers get inspired to travel on social media and after travelling, inspire others to travel by sharing their experiences. According to a surveys by sources, 52% of the Facebook users admitted that photos posted by their friends helped them formulate their travel plans and 51% of the people said that Twitter content influenced consideration of a travel brand. This proves that social media plays an important role in influencing the travel market.
Participants do not need any preliminary knowledge as the modules build one upon other. To receive the certificate, participants need to pass progress test after each module as well as a final examination.
For more details about this online course, click here.
To register for this ‘Social Media in Tourism’, please go through this webpage.
You can also check out our guides for Instagram and Twitter with inputs from expert marketers if you need some quick tips on how to use social media for your travel brand.