The Egencia/Expedia Mobile Behavior Mobile Index, an intensive analysis of mobile-device-related behaviour and preferences among travellers conducted in multiple locations like South America, Europe and Asia Pacific, was recently launched by Expedia – the world’s leading full-service online travel agency with localized sites in 32 countries.
The study concluded that India (80%) leads in checking in with work followed by Thailand (74%) and Mexico (65%). About 20% of Indian spouses shared that they were most annoyed with partners who check in with work during vacations.
Also, it was observed that mobile phones are mostly used for navigation, clicking photos and staying in touch with loved ones. China (94%), Taiwan (94%) and Thailand (91%) are the countries that place the highest premium on mobile devices as a travel companion.
According to their press release, Amit Arora, Country Director of Egencia India, quoted:
“In India, constant connectivity is a priority when mobile devices are carried in hand from work to home and now on vacation too. When we’re more efficient and productive using mobile devices and apps that provide a seamless experience, the quality of our vacation is improved and the work/life balance can be prioritized.”
Elaborating on the travelling behaviour of Indians, Manmeet Alhuwalia, Marketing Head, Expedia India, stated:
“The dependency on smartphone and gadgets have increased over a span of time and it is very well reflected in traveler behavior. According to our Egencia/Expedia Mobile Behavior Report, 56% Indian travelers are addicted to their mobile devices, while 36% Indians carry a rechargeable pack/case/portable charger/spare battery to use as a backup when travelling. We understand the importance of being present on a mobile platform and were one of the first OTAs in India to launch a booking app, which now also facilitates travel at various check points of the journey. No wonder Indians rank #1 globally in considering mobile device an important travel companion.”
The figures below substantiate the increasing dependence of smartphones and gadgets among Indian travellers:
- 36% of Indian travellers consider mobile to be an essential travel companion
- 29% of Indian travellers check mails, texts or voicemails by clients/colleagues for 30 minutes on a day to day basis.
- 80% of Indian travellers check in on work at least once daily
- 13% of Indian travellers check on work for more on work for more than 1 hour daily
- 54% of Indian travellers do not react on their spouse or travel partner even if they check in on work during vacations
- 35% of Indian travellers believe that loss of mobiles can cause them anxiety
- 36% of Indian travellers already have a rechargeable pack/case/portable charger/spare battery that they take along to use as a backup while travelling
- 26% of Indian travellers keep a power cord with themselves at all times and would search for the nearest available outlet to recharge asap
- 23% of Indian business travellers use readings apps while being on a trip
- 29% of Indian travellers think mobile devices and apps improve their quality of vacation
- 20% of Indian travellers use their mobile phones more at vacations than at home
This trend will continue to grow in the coming years with the increasing mobile penetration in India.