Most people would agree that chat bots have got the potential to change how lot of travel businesses work. Brands have been aggressively pushing for apps until a while back and now we are expecting to see something similar with chat bots. For brands, adoption this new trend means they have additions channels to communicate with the customers which are also open without a customer having to download an additional app. Even if an AI powered chat bot is being integrated into a travel app, it will speed up the process and reduce resource requirement for the brand.

The team at Morph ai
Meet Abhishek, Vipul, Pratik and Niyati who form the team at They were employed in Sprinklr which is a unicorn now and then worked with Supertext to build all the technology grounds up. While working in social space with Sprinklr, the team recognised the potential of conversational commerce and realised that it could be a great opportunity for wide variety of businesses. The team started developing the idea from scratch and in the meantime, chat platforms like Kik and Messenger introduced their bot stores, validating their idea and giving them more options to explore. This led to the birth of Morph.Ai in March 2016. is a B2B platform that enables brands to build conversational services. This allows the brands to use the artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies of Morph to create chat bots and use them on chat interfaces like Facebook, SMS, chat on website and anywhere else where chat is a medium. can seamlessly connect the technical infrastructure a brand relies on and offer that using chat interface.
This gives young travel brands an easy way to adopt the technology and explore the possibilities with chat bots without having to invest time and money into building from scratch. Bigger brands which are not looking to make an immediate move in this space can test the waters by implementing Morph as a low cost solution.
Talking about the scope in travel, Pratik says, “Chatbots can work wonders for online travel brands. All the actions that a customer performs on the website – discover, compare & book – can be done by chatbots. Getting flight schedule reminders, hotel bookings, ticket cancellations, price comparisons, checklist before you pack and many other such actions can be managed by a chatbot and make customer experience richer. Brands can go an extra mile & cross-sell between various verticals like booking a cab for the customer from the airport to the pre-booked hotel. Instead of being just an automated customer support, chatbots can become a more intrinsic and complete solution to the travel world.”
Even though this segment is fairly new, has some competition from and But with a huge pool of target customers, not just in travel but in other industries as well, there is plenty of room for everyone to grow. At this point, Morph.AI is available on Facebook Messenger, SMS, Telegram and WeChat. Very soon they will be offering more options like website live chat, in-app chat, Twitter, Hike and will continue to keep adding more platforms that use chat as a medium.
If you are interested in building a chat bot for your brand, you can head to or write them at
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