Planning trips has never been easier – independent of booking source TravelerBuddy automatically generates your trip itinerary in one single step. Simply forward any booking confirmation to, and the digital travel assistant securely processes the data for you.
The app reads booking emails from airlines, hotels, restaurants, car rentals, sightseeing, railways, cruises, and even event tickets. No email? Just enter travel details manually – it will only take seconds. Innovative, easy-to-use all-in-one app Maximize travel convenience via mobile or web: From trip planning, country-specific pre-travel check, flight check-in, real-time flight alerts, map navigation, immigration assistance, foreign exchange, weather forecast, time difference, access to original travel documents up to expense management all combined in one single app.
Experience convenience around travels with a smart digital assistant Dynamic notifications inform travelers about what is to happen next on a trip. A countdown guides you through the days, so no chances anymore to miss a flight, dinner or meeting. The integrated map shows you the route and time to your next location (e.g. to a hotel, airport, restaurant, sightseeing) with the preferred method of transport. And amongst other alerts, TravelerBuddy sends a timely notification of an upcoming flight check-in for over 400 airlines – including all required information at hand.
Save time with newly developed tools Helpful tools further contribute to a hassle-free travel experience. Useful location-based information such as weather, time difference, currency exchange rate, required visa and maps gets displayed automatically. The app gives you PIN-protected access to digital copies of relevant travel documents such as passport, driver’s license, insurance policies, and banking cards, including a copy & paste function to other applications.
Sharing is caring With just one tap you can share the entire itinerary or only a single booking (e.g. restaurant). You can easily share via Messenger (e.g. WhatsApp) or Email with your network. Besides getting a detailed and well organized travel plan, the receiver also gets the clickable location address, directly linked with Google Maps.
About TravelerBuddy
Traveler Buddy Group is a Singapore based, client-centric travel-tech company. Using the latest technology allows us to combining human with artificial intelligence. Our Swiss-Singaporean engineered app, developed by travel enthusiasts, has been attracting users in over 150 countries. Meanwhile TravelerBuddy experiences over 200,000 monthly app events, which not only create convenience around traveling but also enable hassle- and paper-free travels. TravelerBuddy – the one-stop app for the modern business and frequent leisure traveler.