With the boom in travel and tourism industry at the global level, many entrepreneurs have established new businesses. For the growth and expansion of their businesses, they need to get in touch with potential clients and develop professional connections.
(Photo Credit: Image by David Bruce Jr.)
Connecting with clients in a rightful manner is important. E-mail marketing is a constitutive form of business communication for organisations around the world. We have listed few key points below that might be really useful for travel marketers who involve in e-mail marketing.
#1 Timing
An essential point to remember for any travel marketer is the time they send their mass e-mails. Professionals prefer to engage in business-related documents on weekdays and office hours. According to the article, early morning e-mail delivery has the lowest open rates. This is possible as most people delete innumerable unwanted emails after stepping into the office. They intend to reduce confusion even before the day starts. Monday is considered to be the worst day to send mass e-mails. Sending such e-mails on weekends is counter-productive too. The best days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
#2 Subject line and Mail Content
Generally speaking, the chances of e-mail being ignored are pretty high. To increase the open rates, travel marketers should give a short idea of what the recipients can expect in their subject lines. It can be controversial, single-worded, questions and beginning with numbers. An interesting subject line can grab their attention easily. The content of the business e-mails must be readable and correct in language. It should include an easily-clickable ‘Subscribe’ option or an online sign-up form for interested users. Information on what to expect from the subscriptions should be known to the clients.
#3 Mobile Compatibility
If the content does not show up properly on mobile devices, it might not perform very well in the market. Travel marketers need to have mobile-compatible websites, newsletters and documents. This is deemed necessary as there is an increasing number of mobile users. Mobile visitors are generally very impatient. If websites, e-mails or newsletters do not appear to be working, they will leave right away. By designing content that is mobile-friendly in nature, potential clients are encouraged to stay and actually scan through it. If business e-mails or other online messages are not developed as per the ease of the mobile users, travel companies can lose important clients.
#4 E-mail marketing service
Sending bulk e-mails by an individual is a difficult process. Usually, e-mail marketing services with a good reputation and high standard get better delivery rates. They are good in tracking capabilities – who opened it and when, who clicked on what, which links were the most popular etc. This assists the travel marketers better understand the online behaviour of their clients. Delivery of services and content can be done accordingly. Travel brands can use popular e-mail marketing services like MailMarketer, Power Mailer and Benchmark Email for exemplary performances.
#5 Personalised Content
The e-mails that address the clients directly can increase conversations. “For eg: Dear Daniel, We would like to inform you that…” With this trick, travel brands can connect with their clients at the personal level and get a chance to associate with them for a longer term. Observing the online behaviour patterns of the clients, the travel marketers can personalise the content as per their business requirements. They can even offer relevant services or content instead of going through a ‘hit and trial’ process. Additionally, this improves lead nurturing. There can be a stronger and seamless connection with the clients.

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